
Like many useful algorithms, the merge sort is based on a trick: merging 2 sorted arrays of size N/2 into a N-element sorted array only costs N operations. This operation is called a merge.

Let’s see what this means with a simple example:

You can see on this figure that to construct the final sorted array of 8 elements, you only need to iterate one time in the 2 4-element arrays. Since both 4-element arrays are already sorted:

  • 1) you compare both current elements in the 2 arrays (current=first for the first time)
  • 2) then take the lowest one to put it in the 8-element array
  • 3) and go to the next element in the array you took the lowest element
  • and repeat 1,2,3 until you reach the last element of one of the arrays.
  • Then you take the rest of the elements of the other array to put them in the 8-element array.

This works because both 4-element arrays are sorted and therefore you don’t need to “go back” in these arrays.

Now that we’ve understood this trick, here is my pseudocode of the merge sort.

array mergeSort(array a)
      return a[0];
   end if

   //recursive calls
   [left_array right_array] := split_into_2_equally_sized_arrays(a);
   array new_left_array := mergeSort(left_array);
   array new_right_array := mergeSort(right_array);

   //merging the 2 small ordered arrays into a big one
   array result := merge(new_left_array,new_right_array);
   return result;

The merge sort breaks the problem into smaller problems then finds the results of the smaller problems to get the result of the initial problem (note: this kind of algorithms is called divide and conquer). If you don’t understand this algorithm, don’t worry; I didn’t understand it the first time I saw it. If it can help you, I see this algorithm as a two-phase algorithm:

  • The division phase where the array is divided into smaller arrays
  • The sorting phase where the small arrays are put together (using the merge) to form a bigger array.

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