Going deeper

To give you an idea:

  • A search in a good hash table gives an element in O(1)
  • A search in a well-balanced tree gives a result in O(log(n))
  • A search in an array gives a result in O(n)
  • The best sorting algorithms have an O(n*log(n)) complexity.
  • A bad sorting algorithm has an O(n2) complexity

Note: In the next parts, we’ll see these algorithms and data structures.

There are multiple types of time complexity:

  • the average case scenario
  • the best case scenario
  • and the worst case scenario

The time complexity is often the worst case scenario.

I only talked about time complexity but complexity also works for:

  • the memory consumption of an algorithm
  • the disk I/O consumption of an algorithm

Of course there are worse complexities than n2, like:

  • n4: that sucks! Some of the algorithms I’ll mention have this complexity.
  • 3n: that sucks even more! One of the algorithms we’re going to see in the middle of this article has this complexity (and it’s really used in many databases).
  • factorial n : you’ll never get your results, even with a low amount of data.
  • nn: if you end-up with this complexity, you should ask yourself if IT is really your field…

Note: I didn’t give you the real definition of the big O notation but just the idea. You can read this article on Wikipedia for the real (asymptotic) definition.

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